We are pretty excited to finally get our new platforms launched. It has been a challenging couple of months getting it set up but we are confident sharing our new site with you. If you run into any issues, please advise us so that we can fix it. Like anything new, the odd tweak may be required despite all of our testing.
Our new platform allows you to purchase tickets to multiple events at one time, eliminating the process of ordering for one event and having to go back in and order the next.
Website and POS
We are now using Shopify for both. If you use the SHOP app you can now buy your tickets using that. You can also now buy more than one event in a single purchase rather than have to buy one, go back and get another. We hope this helps to make your experience easier and more efficient.
Ticketing Platform
We are using EVEY as our new platform which seamlessly integrates with Shopify. All you have to do is click on Events and Tickets and find your way to topnotch entertainment.
When you order anything from our site you will receive an 'order receipt' for your records. If you have ordered tickets you will also receive an email with your tickets so you can download them to your phone or print.